PubSweet Book Sprint with CoKo Foundation
Last week in three and a half days, the PubSweet community had a Book Sprint to write the first guide for using and contributing to the open source toolkit for publishing workflows. Among the participants were developers from the Collaborative Knowledge Foundation and publishers from eLife, Hindawi, and EBI. The book is now ready to be printed and to be distributed at the PubSweet community meeting next month.
One of the last things we did at the end of the PubSweet Book Sprint was choosing a cover from one of the many beautiful options our Book Sprints designer Henrik Van Leeuwen prepared.

Choosing a cover. Photo by Jure Triglav

And here is what the inside of the book looks like, created in real time with the book publishing tool Editoria, with illustrations made by Henrik, and a book design by Julien Taquet and Agathe Baëz.
Adam Hyde, founder of the Book Sprints methodology, was a participant himself for the very first time. He reflected about particpating in a pretty interesting post on his blog.
If you would like to see more photos of the Book Sprint, please have a look here.